76 - Aim | ITV


Formation of strategies

For a department and two federal agencies with the concerned units ITV has defined the GIS strategy. In a participatory approach the main topics of organisation, determining factors, spatial data, infrastructure and operations were handled and documented in a strategy paper.

Organisational development

With the focus on geoinformation for various federal agencies and cantonal administrations the operational organisation were analysed and their new orientation defined. In most cases, the ITV has recommended the institutionalisation of professionally competent GIS department. The crux of the matter was usually not the technical orientation of the GIS departments, but the organisational integration into the existing business organisation and the equipment with appropriate skills.


System architecture

In various GIS concepts for federal agencies and communities ITV has studied the variations of system architectures (data warehouse, data hub, data pool, web servers, etc.) for the operation of a (future) GIS and designed the optimum for the client version.


For many customers (including federal agencies, cantons, cities, airports and utility operators) ITV has developed independent system specifications. In all specifications was the gathering of user requirements and the use cases together with the client a central and important part. The specifications were always in such a way that they could be almost unchanged used as part of the tender documents.


For years, the monitoring of system procurements respectively system evaluations connected to public tenders belongs to the core business of ITV. ITV knows the legal issues in competitive bidding.Throughout the procurement phase and according to the customer the attendance of a system acquisition can be made in different levels or depths: During the whole project or only in individual phases either in charge, executive and/or incidental. ITV has delivered the following results: Tender documents (including requirements specification, requirements catalogue, structure of the tender offer, administration), the organisation of an offer presentation and benchmark tests, assessment guidelines and tables, attendance of pilot projects, system acceptance and conclusion of contracts.

Test management

TV has usually taken the test management with prior support of the procurement system on the side of the customer of a new system. This included the creation of the test scripts, the compilation of test cases and the organisation of the acceptance tests. The testing was up to the customer according to the instructions of the ITV. In some cases, inter alia, for a meta data system of the swiss federation, ITV has also performed the system tests from the point of view of the prospective user and document the test results.


Meta data

For various federal offices, cantons and municipalities ITV has been designed the manipulation of metadata. These included investigations with the use of international (ISO 19115) and national (GM03) spatial data standards, consulting for the infrastructure to be used as well as the monitoring and implementation of meta data systems.

Data organisation

ITV analysed the data flows and processes of all spatially relevant data in various public administrations. Due to the requirements of the user concepts for future data organisations were created and developed different approaches and compared each of them. For the evaluated variant we formulated the implementation activities for the (new) data organisation. Data modeling

Data modeling

For various customers geospatial data models and object catalogs were developed. The preparation was always closely with the customers and the future users of the spatial data. For the most conceptual data modeling the requirements of the ISO standards series "19" had to be considered. For the federal government were, inter alia, the conceptual model of the topographic landscape model (TLM) created in UML. An INTERLIS 2 description derived from it and general recommendations for the modeling of spatial data models (report minimal spatial data models) were developed.


Process documentation und process design

In the context of GIS organisations in public administration, particularly in cantons, spatial data relevant business processes were analysed, modeled and documented (mostly in the form of UML diagrams) by ITV. For the Swiss air traffic control data processes for data management and validation of aeronautical information data were modeled and documented in accordance with the european requirements. The process documentation included partly also the formulation of work instructions, and supporting the introduction of new work processes together with the affected employees.

Process optimisation

For various organisations ITV has analysed and optimised the processes and process groups (e. g. core, supporting and management processes). Also possible variants by organisational forms were identified and compared. As a conclusion, an activity catalogue are defined and the additional further steps identified, which are necessary for the implementation.



In its various international projects ITV has made a variety of contributions and activities for knowledge and know-how transfer, so that the sustainability is ensured in these projects. Also has been elaborated and compiled for an institution course materials and modules, so that they available for the in-house training center. At the post graduate study for Spatial Information Systems (CAS) at the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) ITV moderates and provides individual module units.


ITV as a controlling unit has accompanied the introduction of a GIS as a strategic informatic project in a cantonal administration. An annual controlling report was written for the Building and Planning Committee of the parliament of the Canton.

Project management

Project management

About all (sub) aspects of the system "spatial information" - infrastructure, organisation, processes, etc. - ITV has taken the position of the project or part of the project manager in numerous individual responsibility or as a support of the client. These are mostly interdisciplinary and/or complex, multi-functional project structures.