
For developing a strategy we use approved and recognised methods, which we adapt to your special needs. Out of our experience we know, that the best practice for establishing a strategy is to work it out with a core team in different workshops. Each workshop focuses on a certain topic. The established strategy and the respective measures are to be reviewed by a wider group of involved persons. This review helps that the strategy is supported by the whole organisation. This commitment is needed for the implementation.
Your benefits
- - Improvement of leadership, the vision and the way to achieve this vision are clearly documented and you and your staff are aware of it;
- - Simplification of processes, as the analysis has identified critical points and roles and responsibilities are defined in the strategy;
- - Elimination of duplication through clear rules on the responsibility;
- -Coordination of business units and their tasks;
- -Increase in efficiency as guidelines for the daily business are defined too;
- -Limited budgets can be allocated for essential actions, as focus and approach of the way forward are defined, approved and communicated;
Our services
The development of strategies has a long tradition within our company and is one of our core competences. Experienced consultants of ITV accompany and coach you during the whole process of the strategy development and we take a leading role, of course in a close cooperation with you as our customer.