Take off in to the future
Assessing, defining and modelling aeronautical and geospatial data to drive better results
Supporting all stages of aeronautical and geospatial infrastructure lifecyle from conception and definition over business case to delivery and operation
Transferring knowledge and supporting customers to achieve the required competencies for the future aeronautical and geospatial information business
Designing, documenting and optimising aeronautical and geospatial data processes to increase quality and performance
Developing business strategy and organisation in aeronautical and geospatial information business based on qualified analysis
August 29, 2024
End of July, Mrs Serin Sfar Chaabane started a one-year internship at ITV Consult AG. During this internship, Mrs Sfar Chaabane will gain first hands on experience in an important new field of aviation dealing with aeronautical information by using a state-of-the-art aeronautical data collection platform. She is also getting an initial idea of how the aviation data chain works and how individual work steps are carried out. A key part of her work is supporting the operations of the Swiss Aeronautical Data Collection Service (DCS), which ITV provides on behalf of the FOCA using a modern data collection platform with a multilingual helpdesk. With her background in computer science and business informatics, she will also be able to support the further development of the new digital aviation data platform.
Serin Sfar Chaabane will also have the opportunity to familiarise herself with all other business areas of ITV Consult. She will also be studying for a Master's degree in Business Information Systems at the FHNW (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Olten).
August 29, 2024
Congratulations to Vere Jonker for completing her internship at ITV Consult! She has been a key player for our DCS service in the validation and supporting the various users of DCS.
We would like to thank her again for all her hard work and dedication!
Farewell, Vere!
June 19, 2024
Read our presentation regarding the "ICAO AIM Data Catalogue" at the Global AIM 2024 here. If you have any questions about the AIM Data Catalogue, please contact us. For further information see ICAO AIM Data Catalogue
February 19, 2024
Differences between ICAO and EASA Aeronautical Data Catalogue
The ICAO Aeronautical Data Catalogue is defined in the ICAO Doc 10066 (PANS-AIM) Appendix 1. The EASA Aeronautical Data Catalogue is defined in the Regulation (EU) 2017/373 Annex III (Part-ATM/ANS.OR) Appendix 1 (subject to change as per EASA NPA 2023-08). The EASA Aeronautical Data Catalogue is based on the content of ICAO PANS-AIM Appendix 1.
One of the EUROCONTROL working groups (i.e., AIRI SG 08) produced a report concerning the differences between the EASA and ICAO Aeronautical Data Catalogue. The report is available to download at https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/differences-aeronautical-data-catalogues.
The differences between the EASA and ICAO Aeronautical Data Catalogue are:
In the end, it is important to understand that there will constantly be a delay regarding the adoption of ICAO changes due to the update process of EASA. Thus, the EASA Aeronautical Data Catalogue is less extensive than the ICAO one.
Besides the presence in several working group and offering its expertise, ITV has implemented several AIM Data Catalogues:
Here is the ICAO AIM Data Catalogue: https://www.datacat.aero
Here is the Swiss AIM Data Catalogue: https://www.aerodatacat.ch/
Here is the Luxembourg AIM Data Catalogue: https://www.datacat.lu/
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss any questions you have related to your specific needs so that you can successfully start moving forward towards implementing the digital data chain.
September 12, 2023
Since the Amendment 40 to ICAO Annex 15 in 2018 was introduced by ICAO the focus is on implementing automation and digitalisation in the aeronautical data chain to move from a product-centric AIS to a fully digital data-centric AIM environment. ICAO has made a big effort to update all material related to aeronautical data and information and provide improved support to all involved parties in the States to move ahead with this initiative.
ITV Consult has engaged from the beginning in supporting ICAO and involved parties to implement automation in the data chain by providing appropriate implementation support and training. ICAO now provides a full suite of material and training to support all parties in a State to move ahead with the implementation of automation.
Start small but think big to implement automation and digitalisation in your State. The updated ASBU EUR DAIM Tables allow States to determine their progress in implementing automation in their aeronautical data chain in line with the 7th Edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). These tables are very useful for developing an appropriate action plan at State level for implementing automation and digitalisation in the aeronautical data chain. ITV Consult can support all involved parties in each phase of this transition based on hands on experience.
If you have any questions on how to address automation of your aeronautical data chain, don’t hesitate to contact our subject matter experts to support you with our expertise or send an email to [email protected].
May 18, 2023
After its successful launch on May 18th 2022, the digital aeronautical data collection service - DCS (Data Collection Service) - celebrates its 1st birthday!
During this period, approx. 2'500 applications (1'400 subject to authorisation, 1'100 subject to registration) were processed. The "customer base" comprises about 250 registered organisations and 1'200 registered users.
So far, the service has had no downtimes, which, with an average of 50 accesses per day, has had a very positive effect on the response from the "customer" and the user-friendliness.
The service and its further development will be implemented and continued by ITV Consult.
Official information from FOCA can be found here.
If you want to learn more, contact [email protected].
January 6, 2023
At the end September 2022 ITV celebrated its 30th anniversary with a two-year delay due to the pandemic situation. We celebrated our jubilee in a special train composition of the Swiss Federal Railways, in the famous train composition «Churchill» known as the «Red Arrow» by the public. Despite the rainy weather board of management, management, employees and their partners enjoyed the ride passing by the famous Rhein Fall to Stein am Rhein and drawing admiration at every station we passed dining and drinking in our train composition «Churchill».
30 years can be considered an eternal period in the environment of (geographic) data, looking at the huge developments since ITV was founded. The digitalization of the geodata took off very slowly. 30 years ago, first mobile devices appeared, and video conferences were unthinkable. Our core business started with geodata in the area of transportation, focusing on ground transportation (railways) and then we expanded our business to the sky (aviation). After 30 years our core business is still geodata, in the area of transportation as well as other environmental domains.
The challenges in the area of geodata still remain the same after 30 years: create easy access to all the geodata required to create value in a data hungry society, to improve the communication between those collecting and managing geodata and those wanting to use such geodata to create added value for all areas of life. The demand for quality assured digital geodata in our world is continuously growing. In our society everyone is demanding to take informed decisions, be it at the private level or at the public level. All players in society are realizing that providing quality assured geodata requires various frameworks to be in place addressing the political, economic and societal conditions covering issues like sustainability, geo-policy or cybersecurity.
Daily ITV is experiencing how the importance of our business is growing in supporting our customers to permanently make their geodata available, quality assured and digital. Providing quality assured digital geodata is a big challenge for all areas of society. We support our customers with our 30 years of proven experience and expertise to make required geodata available, at the right time at the right place of use.
We are doing everything to support our customers to meet these expectations. On one hand we achieve this by developing the required frameworks to enable the provision of geodata and on the other hand we support our customers to make the required geodata accessible and available. This was our ambition in the past, it remains our ambition today and will remain our ambition in the future.
May 12, 2022
A new era in aviation data collection is being launched. On May 18, 2022, the Data Collection Service (DCS) will go live!
With the increasing digitalization and the high demands on data quality, the swiss FOCA decided some time ago to modernize the aviation data process. A service based on a modern Internet platform was established for this purpose. The service and the DCS-Portal allows the digital delivery and seamless handling of aeronautical data such as aeronautical obstacles.
The service is operated by ITV Consult.
The official information from FOCA can be found here.
Would you like to know more, please contact [email protected]
January 27, 2022
ITV has established an online AIM Data Catalogue based on the ICAO PANS-AIM Appendix 1 to facilitate its usage by civil aviation authorities, air navigation service providers and data originators in the process to implement a fully data-centric AIM environment. Furthermore, we have included a mapping of the data elements to the current version of AIXM 5.1(1) which has been initially developed by EUROCONTROL and further maintained by the AIXM Community.
You can find the ICAO AIM Data Catalogue here: https://www.datacat.aero
ITV supports customers to tailor the Aeronautical Data Catalogue to the requirements of your State. This can include extending the data catalogue with national requirements (e.g., CIV, MIL, VFR) as well as determining the associated national data quality requirements.
You will find a description of the services we offer here.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss any questions you have related to your specific needs so that you can successfully start moving forward towards implementing the digital data chain.
Dorfstrasse 53
8105 Regensdorf-Watt
Tel.: +41 44 871 21 90
Mail: [email protected]
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